VisAmoris Spirit
From a small vineyard in Imperia a big dream was born.
The love for a harsh but generous land; a dream that seemed like a challenge: to produce a special wine from a special land, able to combine its colors, flavors, aromas and emotions. Pigato and its variations are able to express the qualities and versatility on this land.
This is why we have chosen to be bearers of tradition and vocation for Pigato, the grape variety of choice for these lands. A wine that knows how to surprise every bottle for the characteristics and nuances it releases. A precise choice, for a dream embraced with the strength and spirit of a family that has chosen to give shape to a life project, making it grow with respect, competence and innovation. We have restored the land to its ancient wine vocation and we conduct it according to the strictest dictates of organic farming: a guarantee to offer a product of authentic quality, capable of respecting and safeguarding the harmony with the flora and fauna that live in these splendid places.
We have decided to plant only Pigato, because we believe in the extraordinary potential of this native vine of the Ligurian Riviera di Ponente. A vine with a millenary of tradition, closely linked to Mediterranean roots and which in these unique climatic conditions, manages to surprise us with infinite nuances of flavors and aromas. The process was not so easy: uncultivated land, dry stone walls to restore … But with great skills and tenacity we succeeded and today we have about 3.5 hectares of vineyards. The work in the vineyard is almost completely manual; we do not use herbicides in respect of nature and the terroir. In 2008 we created our cellar, where we vinify all our Pigato wines: we have come to produce 9 different interpretations and we are working, with the rhythms of nature, to give new expressions to this unique spirit.
Tasting them, allows you to follow a fascinating and surprising path, which every time makes us move. The precious and accurate work in the vineyard and cellar is also carried out with the help of Claudia Di Blasi and Gianni Briatore. This is VisAmoris: the strength of our love to make our dream come true. A dream obtained with a lot of passion and determination, without shortcuts. Today we are proud to share them with those who are able to appreciate the good things that only love can achieve.
We are VisAmoris!